His Take: Best Sandwich on Dundas West at Porchetta & Co.

[tabs type=”horizontal”][tabs_head][tab_title]His Top Tips[/tab_title][/tabs_head][tab]1. You can choose your own toppings if you wish, but the house special is about as close to perfection as you can get.

2. The price tag (on average, after tax) comes in at around $8. If you’re especially hungry, you can add “extra meat” for about $2. The website says cash only, but they do take debit (not credit).

3. This is a perfect spot for grabbing a bite on the go. I wouldn’t advise sitting down. The dining space is quite small, and I actually snagged my suit pants on a nail that was sticking out of the wooden chair.[/tab][/tabs]

Porchetta & Co. is a little hole in the wall sandwich shop on Dundas West that offers up some of the tastiest pork buns I’ve ever had. My personal favorite is the house special (how adventurous of me). The pork seems to melt in your mouth and is quite possibly some of the most perfectly spiced red meat I have yet to taste.

Porchetta & Co Toronto Dundas West Sandwich

The House Special at Porchetta & Co.

What makes the meat so tasty? These guys marinate the pork shoulder in various spices and oils for 24 hours, wrap it in proscuitto, wrap it again in pork belly, and then slow cook it for a couple of hours. Serious stuff. The house special consists of the pork (shaved) and topped with crackling, hot sauce, truffle sauce, mustard and parmesan. Although pork, wrapped in pork, wrapped in more pork sounds like a heart attack on a plate, I did not walk away feeling like the bag of crap that I was expecting. The sandwich is definitely filling, but the meat isn’t stacked in a heap in between two slices of bread. The portion is actually quite conservative. If you’re really hungry, I’d actually recommend getting the “extra meat” option for an extra $2.

The House special is priced at about $8.50 or so, which is reasonable for the quality of the meat. If that’s a bit too pricy for you, I’d recommend purchasing “the sandwich” (4 oz. of porchetta and crackling) topped with mustard and hot sauce for free, coming out to a total of $6.45 before tax.

All in all, if you happen to be in the Dundas West neighbourhood and are looking for some quick grub, Porchetta $ Co. is hard to beat. Would I drive half way across the city to grab one of their sandwiches? Probably not. But like I said, this is a great choice if you happen to be in the area. Although the website says cash only, they do take debit (not credit).

[button color=”pink” size=”medium” link=”http://www.coupleofyuppies.com/dundas-west/” target=”blank” ]Her Take[/button]

[googlemap src=”https://maps.google.ca/maps?ie=UTF-8&q=porchetta+and+co&fb=1&gl=ca&hq=porchetta+and+co&hnear=0x89d4cb90d7c63ba5:0x323555502ab4c477,Toronto,+ON&cid=0,0,7895962253220639518&ei=ceGXUdanH4mQ0QHP24GQBw&ved=0CIoBEPwSMAA” ]

Porchetta & Co on Urbanspoon

One response to “His Take: Best Sandwich on Dundas West at Porchetta & Co.

  1. Pingback: Her Take: Indulge Your Carnivorous Side at Porchetta & Co. on Dundas West | Couple of Yuppies·

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